Please follow these steps the week of your appointment:
Stay hydrated (LOTS of water) and drink beverages high in electrolytes such as NUUN tablets and/or coconut water (at least a liter the day before your appointment)
Avoid alcohol
Eat nutrient dense meals (lots of vegetables, healthy fats and grains and avoid processed food, foods high in sodium & sugar)
Get an adequate amount of sleep
Moisturize the area that will be tattooed
Shave the area the night before
Following these steps will help to alleviate discomfort while being tattooed and will result in a much better heal.

Please bring the following to your appointment:
Snacks & lunch (light snacks available at the studio)
Water bottle or other drinks you’d like to have
Blanket or jacket in case you get cold
Comfortable clothing suitable for the area being tattooed- keep in mind you will most likely get ink on your clothing
A sarong or robe is great if you are getting work done on your torso, back or upper leg/glute area
Underwear or bikini bottoms with ties are great for thigh,hip, lower back and/or glute pieces
Tank tops or strapless shirts are best for sleeves
During your appointment, please eat foods that promote healing. Foods high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin C, zinc & vitamin A
Here’s a link for suggestions:
Day of Appointment

Remove the bandage within an hour of leaving the studio.
Run the tattoo under hot water (as hot as you can stand) for 5 minutes.
Wash the tattoo with Dr. Bronner’s unscented soap with your hand (no washcloths, sponges, etc.)
Use your fingers to press and wash away all of the plasma. Your tattoo should NOT feel “slimy” when you’re done
Dry with paper towel
Before bed wrap your tattoo with a nonstick absorption pad (provided). You can use tape to secure the pad.
First thing in the morning, remove the bandage and wash immediately- IF the tattoo is stuck to the bandage, DO NOT PULL. Get in the shower and let the water gently take the bandage off.
Keep your tattoo dry and avoid clothing or anything that might stick to it
Before bed, wash your tattoo (following instructions from day 1), let it air dry and apply a nonstick absorption pad.
*Do not rebandage after day 2
Rest is key to healing. Please make sure you have at least 1-2 days to relax and heal following your appointment(s).
Continue washing your tattoo twice a day (morning & night) until it has fully healed.
Your tattoo will start to peel within 3-4 days, when this happens you can begin using a tattoo salve- we recommend Redemption tattoo aftercare. Use a light layer and keep the tattoo moisturized.
*Keep your tattoo out of the sun and always use sunscreen when it’s healed.
DO NOT pick at, scratch, wash with anything abrasive or wear tight clothing against the tattoo.
DO NOT workout for at least a week until the tattoo has peeled
DO NOT expose the tattoo to sunlight for a month
DO NOT soak the tattoo in water- NO swimming, hot tubs, saunas, dry spas, bathtubs, oceans, rivers, lakes… puddles until the skin has returned to normal, usually a minimum of 2-3 weeks.
DO NOT apply any scented balms, lotions, etc.
Tattoos can take up to 6 weeks to heal and up to 6 months to fully settle.
*The better you treat your tattoo for the first month, the better it’s going to look for the rest of your life.*